Thursday, March 1, 2012

Job Security?? My Testimony

I have to make this short and sweet! I hope someone gets something out of it!

I graduated from Alabama A&M University in May 2008 and started a masters program in Public Health ( concentration: Health Administration, Management and Policy) in August of 2008. I graduated from that program in May 2010 (whoop whoop). I started looking for a position before I graduated however, I was having no success on finding a full time position. The job that I worked while In my masters program paid $21 an hour, I was also working as a research assistant making $15 an hour. Needless to say, I felt bless to be in school and have jobs that paid well and were relevant to my field (public health) and interest. So, God opened a door for me to do a 2 month fellowship program at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Maryland which was great...although it was not really in my interest, it was something that that I had experience in from undergrad (food science) I was also able to live in DC (something that I have always wanted to do). I came back to Atl after the fellowship ended and had no idea when I was going to get a full time position. So, for 2 months I was unemployed...broke...feeling like a loser! lol After 2 months God opened up another door for me to complete a fellowship program in Atlanta at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/ Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ASTDR). This fellowship was a 3 month position. I was happy

for the opportunity BUT i felt like I wasn't getting the most out of the experience. My mentor was really busy and I was basically on my own. But after a convo with my mentor (who works at CDC/ATSDR) she encouraged me to maximize my experience even if I felt that it wasn't a great situation, so...I did! I was able to be an author on an publication and develop a project that was beneficial to the agencies and present to senior staff at CDC. At the conclusion of the fellowship I was NOT offered a position.................... Pause.......................... it was only a fellowship and with all of my networking an opportunity was not available (it is VERY hard to get a full time position in the federal government).

So at this point I was back at step 1, unemployed and feeling like a loser. lol Although I had amazing people all around encouraging me I felt as though no one truly understood what i was feeling. I was 23 when I got my masters, ppl really take well to me so I had favor (not bragging but it's true), I excelled academically, I knew the right people, but none of this seemed to help. I was unemployed from November 2010 - February 2011. I got on food stamps (yes I had food stamps, I miss them dearly :( ) so in case I ended up homeless at least I could eat! lol I even got a job at a restaurant...and no it wasn't was Shane's Rib Shack *straight face* this point I knew that God had something better waiting on me but since he gave me an opportunity to have an income I took the job (and I was geeked too) hahaha. While there, my goal was to identify someone(s) who I could show the love of Christ to and I did, I was focused on my purpose at the restaurant and that was it. I worked there until this happened, which was about 2 weeks...(see below)

In February I got a random phone call from my sib at MSM (let me explain- msm has a program where 2nd years are matched with 1st year students to serve as a mentor, support, etc.) asking if I had found a job, I said no, she told me to call someone who she interned with. When I called the lady we talked for about an hour and a half, she was leaving her position and was looking for someone to replace her. The position was directly related to the skills that I had gained at my "useless" fellowship at CDC/ATSDR and was in an area that I was very interested in and passionate about. So in a matter of a week I had interviewed for the position and 2 weeks later, I was hired. Praise God!

I say all of this to say, I thought that I had it all together, I knew the right people, I did the right things, I was really feeling myself...I have always been clear that we have to depend on God for everything, BUT this experience gave new meaning to that. Sometimes God takes us around the way (Like he did with the children of Israel) instead of giving us the direct path. Although that was one of the hardest moments of my life, I must say that I wouldn't change it for the world. During that time I had to run to God and that is exactly where he wanted (want) me. I got in my word (bible) because that was the only thing that I could put my hope and trust in, I communicated with God continually (as we are instructed to do anyway) and my focus was completely on him (God/Jesus). The things that God revealed to me in that 8 months were invaluable. It made me more compassionate to others, increased my capacity to love, revealed my purpose clearly to me in turn making me more passionate about what I need to accomplish in life and it made me more focused on Christ.

I have been working at my current position for 7 months now and I really enjoy it. There are challenges but to those challenges I say TO GOD be the Glory! God has already proven to me over and over that he is capable of providing and protecting me so why would I worry?! (this is a continual struggle-- complete reliance on Christ). I know this is only the beginning of God wants to do with my little life and I am excited about my future. I am totally blessed beyond measures. Even in my unemployment I was blessed beyond measures. This is why Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things can't always see how God is preparing your blessing but you better believe that he is working things out behind the scenes. Just trust him, love him more, walk more closely with him, check your life on a daily basis to make sure that it lines up with the Word of God and God promised that ALL other things will be added unto you. I can now say that I feel fully confident in myself through Christ! Many people get it twisted and think that self- confidence is all about your power, your strength, your looks, your success, etc. No. This confidence that I have cannot be taking away if I lose my job, if I am not "successful" by the worlds standard, or if I get in a car accident and get my face messed up (I rebuke that) but rather it comes through knowing who I am in Christ and the abundant love that Christ has for me. That type of confidence cannot be taken away.

I could go on, I promise I could but this is But to those who are in a similar place as sincere as I can I encourage you to keep the faith. Know that God wants to bless you, that is his desire for you, know that you is smart, you is kind, and you is important (corny huh?! )

Now I had to check myself a couple of months ago because I started getting side tracked. I had my job, I was feeling myself (again) and the Holy Spirit convicted me...since then I have refocused and I hope that I I will continue to check myself for error...after all, I am a work in progress.

There is no such thing as job security, look at all that is going on in the world...nothing is secure. Security comes only through God!

I wrote this because I promised God that when I got a full-time job that I would make sure that he got the glory from it. For ppl to know that it was nothing that I did "right", but it was only God that moved for me. Lastly, I have an awesome support system. My family and friends, even though I was withdrawn during my time of employment due to my own insecurities, were always there with a word, a prayer, MONEY (heeeyyy!), etc. and I am eternally thankful to them for that. I still don't know how my bills got paid every month or how I still managed to have fun but I know that it had to be something supernatural (God). I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to share life with. I love you all and BE ENCOURAGED!

****Praise Break***** So much for short and sweet ;(

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