Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Consuming Fire...Indeed!

For our God is a Consuming Fire. Hebrew 12:29

Consuming Fire in the greek à Katanalisko pyr

Literal translation: To consume for the purpose of purification.


This scripture is SO powerful to me. Each time that I read it or it comes up in my mind is as the first time I read it. This is one of those scriptures that I feel…. it comes alive and I am like “forrel Lord!! You really are a consuming fire”.

It’s hard to believe that this year is almost over, right?!  At the beginning of the year I did a 21 day fast for the purpose of surrendering my life completely to Christ. I mean, yea I was a Christian prior to that but there were some areas of my life that I was still holding back from God. I wanted His hand of protection, His favor, His best, His perfect will, etc. but I didn’t quite trust that he could handle the areas that I was holding back. In some instances I thought that maybe he didn’t care about some aspects of my life. Perhaps God was only concerned with the big things like my career and my family because I could see the gratification in that area. I mean,  He did a great job of allowing me to get an education, protecting my family from danger and surrounding me with people who I could demonstrate His love to and who also demonstrated His love to me but in other areas I could not “see” his provision. In certain areas I just had to trust that he was also in control and being completely transparent, although I said I did, my actions did not say the same. So, the fast was my “white flag”, my surrender, my “Lord I’m going to truly give you my life and whatever you decide to do with it is what I’ll roll with”. That has truly been the BEST decision of my life. That is the point that I first experienced this verse in Hebrew 12:29, Our God is a consuming fire.

This entire year has been “Jesus Bootcamp”. I know God now more than I ever have before but it seems that each day I know Him better. Over the last year I have experienced God in a way that makes honoring Him with my life a top priority. God’s desire to mold us into the image of His son, Jesus Christ is dependent on our willingness to say “yes”…Yes Lord to Your will and YOUR way. God will began to consume you in such a powerful way. Things that you didn’t even consider a problem will become evident. God will search your heart and show you all of the things that are preventing you from being like Christ. Jesus clarified what exactly I was feeling and referring to as “Jesus Bootcamp” in John 15.

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch

in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that

bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit…Abide in Me, and

I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides

in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine,

you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him,

bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

(John 15:1-2, 4-5 NKJV)

Think it’s a game?!?! This scripture is packed with implications for our lives as Christians striving to give God more, love and honor Him with our lives, and be salt and light to a world molded in sin and iniquity. The pruning process that God takes us through is NO JOKE! It requires you to be vulnerable, it requires for you to rely on a source that is greater than you, it requires you to completely give up power. But while it’s painful, in the midst of the tears shed, in the midst of making mistakes and learning, God will continue to sanctify you and mold you. As Christians we are constantly on the potter’s wheel. Although molding is not easy it is necessary for the clay pot to operate in the purpose for which it was created. Friends, God wants to be a consuming fire for you…he wants to be your potter. In order for this to happen we have to submit to the process of purification. The beauty is…the purification, although not an easy process, is the BEST time of my life. There is so much freedom and liberation in knowing that you are being molded into the image of Christ, that you are operating in the purpose for which God created you, and that God is pleased with your obedience. Christ came so that we might have abundant life and His greatest desire is just that. He desires for us to live in His presence, live in His peace, His Love, His abundance. His greatest desire is for YOU…yes YOU! Amazing right?! The perfect, justice, HOLY, sovereign creator of the entire world is crazy in love with you (sinful, rebellious, and a host of other things)! I’m not worthy of a love so great and you aren’t either…but as Christ took nails in His hands and feet, thorns on His head, and a sword through His side while being spit upon and mocked…he redeemed and justified you and I if only we would accept Him. There are NO words that would adequately describe this love. That my friends is 7 Degrees North, complete elevation. May God bless you.

Lord, thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for the process of purification. Thank you for being a consuming fire. Thank you for being patient with us….unfortunately it takes us soo much to submit to you but you stand with your arms opened wide waiting for us to submit. That is amazing and my human mind cannot even comprehend that time of love. I think that is why people have a hard time trusting you and accepting you…because we haven’t experienced that love anywhere on earth so it’s just not a part of our human reality. But thank you for Your Holy Spirit that confirms the reality of you to me. I am 100% sure that you are real and that you are even concerned with the details of our lives here on earth and beyond. Thank you for putting so much thought into our lives. Thank you that your love NEVER fails. Thank you that we are already victorious through you. Search our hearts and show us, us. Your molding is a continuous process, grace us to endure to the end. It is our reasonable service to give you our lives Lord. I Looooovvvvveee Youuuu!! Amen!

With Love,

Kristin Sarai

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Letter to the 7 year old me (Kristin Sarai)

First of all let me say that I love you sooooo much. You are such an innocent, sweet girl. I know that sometimes you feel really scared as you endure pain and treatment. I know the doctors don’t think you are going to live long but let me tell you, God says that YOU WILL live. Even more exciting is the fact that God is SO very interested in your life. He loves you more than you will ever understand. Keep your eyes on him and hold on to His unchanging hand. Another thing,  listen to your parents! They love you more than life and they will not lead you in the wrong direction. You will start to think that they are too old school but the principles they are teaching you are correct. Don’t be upset with them for not letting you go to parties and go out with guy (you actually need to seriously thank them for that).

As you grow up you will start to see things that are designed to distract you from the purposes for which God is sparing your life. You will be introduced to profanity, alcohol, sexual temptation, hypocrisy, gossip, lying, etc. You will feel pressured to take part in these things for the sake of fitting in with your peers but you will never feel comfortable in that lifestyle….it’s just not the way that God designed you so embrace the person that you REALLY are! You see, you are in the world but you are NOT of the world. You are the daughter of the most high God child! You are loved beyond measures. You struggle with your confidence not because you don’t know your worth but rather because you are trying to fit into an environment that was never designed for you. Realize that the only reason you have life in your body is to do God’s work, to demonstrate His love to all of those who cross your path, to have compassion on those who are hopeless and to be a reflection of God’s glory to those who are watching. The theme of your life should say to the world “God’s way DOES work”. Therefore, don’t engage in things that don’t give glory to God…that not only hurts you and your relationship with God but it will also diminish the glory that he wants out of your life.

You think you’re going to be a medical doctor… that is not the plan that God has for you BUT it’s cute because in a sense you will be a doctor. God wants to use your life to bring life to those around you. He wants you to use the gifts that he has given you to point the broken to Him, to heal people who are spiritually sick…it will one day become your biggest passion. He has wired you with an analytical mind, you are creative, you are a dreamer, you are optimistic, you love to laugh, you love the arts, you think about things that you think are “weird”, when you read things come alive, you are sensitive yet courageous, you are fragile yet strong, and you have huge heart…hold on to that…in your 20s you will unfold how to use all these things to do your life’s work. It’s also funny that you wanted to be an elephant (lol) well guess what…you will be an elephant. Elephants are extremely smart animals and they are known for their social nature. They are very affectionate and they feel the pain of their fellow elephants. When an elephant dies other elephants go through a mourning process and even bury their bones. This is the type of passion that you will have for people. You will be passionate about their lives on earth and beyond. When you see people dying spiritually you will experience unrest…you will feel a need to help them and the love that God put inside of you WILL help point them to Christ.

You will have some guys that you think you’re interested in…but let me tell you…don’t waste your time. Your daddy is right. Boys and girls have no business in romantic relationships. You don’t even fully know what love is yet…God will teach you love more and more as you grow…God will mold you into the office of a wife. Until then…don’t give any special attention to any boy. You don’t even know what type of man you need so stop trying to figure it out and let God show you the details. One other thing you need to know on this subject is that boys don’t always play on the monkey bars….they are also in college, they drive, they have careers….sometimes boys never grow into men. Grown boys do not deserve your time…they are just a distraction from your relationship with Christ. The scars that you let them put on your heart will take you some time to heal from but the good thing is…You WILL heal through the leadership and counsel of Christ. Don’t invest too much too soon.

College will be interesting for you. That will be the period in life where you will be the most distant from God but it will be the period that allows you to understand the grace, mercy and need for Christ. The people that you are working to impress and seek the approval of there won’t even be in your life as an adult so girl chill out and be who God created you to be unapologetically.

You’re going to move to Atlanta and get your masters degree…but don’t get puffed up in education or popularity…all that you are is because of Christ. At 23, with a masters degree you will go through a period of unemployment. Although you will feel helpless…that is exactly what God needs for you to feel. This is an opportunity for Him to show you how much he loves you and how he will supernaturally provide for you. This period is when you will hear clearly and accept your call to ministry. This is the season which God will give you the vision for your life. God will have you all to himself at this time and will speak to you and teach you about his love, grace, mercy, provision, protection, etc. He will give you a job in a way that will give you NO room to take the credit…don’t forget to reflect the glory to him. Don’t get comfortable here though…He had work for you to do in this season but this isn’t the end of the journey. You will start a ministry that will allow others to have what God has given you. God is going to you use more than you know. I am so excited for you get to that point.

You will go through a period of intense sanctification…it will feel like bootcamp and although sometimes uncomfortable, God will use this season to rapidly mold you into His image. He will use this period develop your character to a standard that will yield Him the highest glory. You’ll still fall short but He will show you all of the areas of your life that have to die and all the places where you need to put on the character of Christ. Even things that you thought didn’t matter will become important. God will begin to download His heart into yours. It’s going to be a very exciting time for you girl! You’ll feel like nobody understands you but keep praying and God will send people into your life who are also set apart. They will inspire you and give you a better understanding of your purpose. You will see God do many amazing things…you’ll get excited but I promise you…that’s nothing compared to what will show you in the future. Hey…keep your head up…walk with extreme confidence…not in yourself alone…but in yourself Through Christ. Keep smiling…it will give life to others. I love you soo much precious girl. You are powerful beyond measures (through Christ)…when you recognize that in full…then you will be well on your way to being an internationally effective warrior for Christ. May your life be as sweet music unto the ears of God. I love you!!

Yours, Truly,

Kristin Sarai 25.9 (Sept. 2012)