Friday, August 31, 2012


I am flawed. I probably always will be-

But I. Am. Beautiful. I am a perfectly imperfect natural beauty.

Shaped and Molded by the hands of the sovereign author of all-

The summation of my beauty is not fully expressed externally

 it’s not full in my smile, my eyes, my lips or my hips;

it’s full in the sweet spot where my heart is intertwined with the heart of Christs’

and where I am liberated by the blood shed and the love demonstrated on the cross-

You see, I love with love that was downloaded into my heart by the perfect lover.

The lover of my soul, to Him I will always be true.

It is in Him that my flaws became beautiful. In Him my weakness became strength.

It is in Him that the beauty of His love restored life to my sin sick ugly and turned it into a beautiful masterpiece.

I don’t have to be perfect because He embodies perfection.

I am free to love.

I am free to live.

I am flawed. I probably always will be-

But I. Am. Beautiful. I am a perfectly imperfect nature beauty.


“I will confess and praise You for You are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works, and that my inner self knows right well”.  Psalms 139:14

Friday, August 17, 2012

Don't Take Your Life!

YO! First let me say this -à Jesus LOVES You!

Let’s clarify: I don’t mean the same way that people who have hurt you or used the word love to manipulate you mean. The love of God is liberating. The love of God is complete…there is NO lack in His love!
This is what is happening in your Life:
Satan comes ONLY to steal, kill and destroy you. You think it’s a game?! The feeling of depression, hurt, worthlessness, bitterness, hate, fear, etc. are the tactics that Satan is using in his attempt to destroy you! Satan has magnified whatever you are feeling to make you feel hopeless in your situation. Satan has taken your free will and chokes the life out of it. He is using it against you, manipulating you to take that free will and take your own will. He has one goal in mind…to destroy you and send you to HELL for eternity. He will laugh at you once it’s over…honestly he is laughing at you now.
You should be offended that he would come at you like that! I’m offended for you!   This is more of a reason to seek the hope that is in Christ! The reason that you are giving up is because you don’t trust that God is with you in this season of your life. You think that you are worthless, you feel guilty about your sins, you feel like no one loves you, you are broken hearted and you have a broken spirit. The good news is that Jesus died on the cross for all of this! He paid the penalty so that WE wouldn’t have to. Our responsibility is to accept this truth! Your life is not accidental…God has a divine purpose for YOU! His desire is that He can drown you in His love, peace, joy, purpose and teach you TRUE LOVE! God has invested in your life and He desires a return on His investment. He wants to teach you HIS meaning for your life. We did not create our lives so we can’t expect to know how to live it…God is the creator and knowledge of how to live comes directly from Him. I PROMISE…He has a plan for you. Don’t listen to the enemy…don’t listen to your circumstances…seek the hope in Christ and open your heart to allowing Him to alter your perception of life. It’s worth a try right? You’ve tried everything else…try Christ..He is the way, truth and life! May God bless you!

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” John 6:44

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 11: 37-39
Lord thank you for your LOVE! WE accept your love! Thank you for the opportunity to come to you and that you have a place for people who are broken in spirit and broken hearted. Thank you that you died on the cross while we were still in sin to give us a hope and future. We could never pay our own debt. Lord, sometimes the burden of our circumstances and our sins make us feel so low but right now we accept repent of any sins and we ACCEPT your forgiveness. Lord, allow your love and truth to shine bright in our hearts. Lord, help us to see ourselves the way that you see us. Instill purpose and meaning into our lives. Thank you Lord that according to Matthew 11: 28-30 you are calling us…us who are weary and tired, us who are depressed and feel defeated, us who have sinned and fallen short…Lord thank you that you’ve called us with the promise of giving us REST! Thank you for the peace that only you can give! Thank you that you make ALL things new! We want to be new in YOU Lord…come into our lives now Lord. We need you now more than ever, we open our hearts to YOU and YOUR will. We rebuke any attacks of the enemy…we rebuke his claim on our lives because our lives belongs to you Lord. Make us whole, fill us with YOUR love. We ask this in faith through Jesus Christ. Amen.
May God bless you, keep you, and grow you!
With Love,
Kristin Sarai

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

In the Words of Satan

One of my friends introduced me to this video and I thought that it was really good for people to see!

"The theif comes only to kill, steal and destroy; I have come that they may have life and life more abundantly". John 10:10

Let me know your thoughts!

With Love,

Kristin Sarai

...Or Die Trying

“The thief comes ONLY to steal, kill and destroy; I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and life more abundantly.” John 10:10

The scripture above was the only appropriate way to start this blog post. I say this all the time but I can't say it enough...Satan comes to destroy us! The problem is often times we don't realize the attacks because we are looking for a big red dragon with a name tag that reads "I am Satan and I come to destroy you". NOOOO! That is not how Satan attacks us; he has too much swag for that. Satan’s preference is to be very unassuming about his motives. The “Satan tactic” that I would like to focus on here is “pride, personal strength and effort”.

It is almost imputed into our hearts that in order to be successful we have to work hard, work harder, work harder, work harder! We start learning this almost immediately after entering the world. Infants have to try walking several times before they succeed, students have to study harder to improve grades, athletes have to practice harder before they can win the championship game, etc. In those instances, I would say that “try harder” is probably an appropriate response but when it comes to living a life of fulfillment and success (true success- NOT worldly success) that approach is all wrong! Satan has taken that approach and perverted it to keep people in bondage to this world system and ultimately keep people from ever reaching the abundant life that is offered in Christ. After all, why would he tell you the truth?!

How many times have you set out to try to be a better person? Or maybe you were in search of love and happiness? maybe peace? Perhaps you thought if you just work a little harder, get a little more, do a few more things, you would eventually reach true happiness and joy. You are constantly grasping at peace but never quite experiencing it. Let me tell you…It will never, ever work using that equation.

 The things that you are searching for are completely unable to be reached through your strength. No matter how hard you “try”, unless you go to the proper source, your efforts are in vain. It’s actually pride that makes us think that we can handle it ourselves. The problem is, you didn’t create yourself and you aren’t the author of your life. God created you with a purpose in mind and how prideful is it that instead of asking the author of our lives, we decide to just “go for it”.  The bible is clear on what the true success in life is and that is life in Christ which yields the fruit of the spirit.

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law” Galatians 5:22-23

The fruit of the spirit is the true treasure of life and the bible is clear that one can only receive it through the transformative power of the Holy Spirit that is given through grace. Consider why you want to be a “better person”, why you want to fall in love and get married, why you want to make lots of money, why you want to indulge in activities that make you laugh and engage your sense…I can almost guarantee that the root of that desire (if you are honest with yourself) has everything to do with your desire to possess the components mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23.
Clearly stated, in order for you to have the life that you desire, you MUST turn to God. It’s not possible in your own strength but through Christ all things are possible! Don’t fall victim to falling into the cultural viewpoint of what success looks like. True success is found in Christ. Jesus is madly in love with you…His desire is for you to have peace, joy, love, be a “better person”, and give you abundant life! Satan on the other hand, wants you to Die Trying. Pick a team, the choice is yours. Chose Christ and you are on your way to experiencing 7 Degrees North; Complete Elevation!

Lord, thank you for life and purpose! Help us to be perceptive to the tactics of the enemy. Thank you that you came to give us life and life more abundantly. Lord forgive us of any time that pride or ignorance has kept us from submitting to your will and your view of success! Starting today, let us know you in a new way; transform our hearts by the renewing of your Holy Spirit. We love you! Thank you for access to the finer things in life (You and Your Love)! Amen.

With Love,

Kristin Sarai