Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just Keep Straight!

Unfortunately, I have the tendency to be easily distracted! So I was driving home after work in a hurry so that I could make it to the gym for a class and as I was approaching the street where Target was (Target is one of my favorite stores and I can ALWAYS find something to buy there) and pulled over into the turning lane, it was almost automatic. After about 15 seconds of sitting in the turning lane with my left turning signal on I realized that I was NOT planning on going to Target and by doing so I would miss the class that I planned to attend.  So, I turned my right turning signal on to get back on the main street and to my dismay it was extremely heavy traffic and NO One would let me over. In my frustration God spoke to me with such clarity and this is what he said…

Kristin, you were on the right path and you got distracted. How often you have done this with me.  You let me in, I was giving you what you needed, and giving you the fullness of my love and grace and then you saw something shiny in the world and put distance between us. I have work for you to do, I have souls for you to win for my kingdom and when you get off track for even 15 seconds it causes you to miss an opportunity that I had for you.  You are special to me and I love you and it hurts me to see you live below the place that I have designed for you. You know I want to give you the desires of your heart, I want to give you more than anything that you can ever hope for or imagine.  I am still going to get you to your destination but as long as you continue to get distracted you will encounter stress and trials along the way. I will keep you in my permissive will because I know you need my grace but I want you in my perfect will. I love you! Next time keep straight!

As I turned left into the target parking lot only to turn around to get back on the main street I sat humbled by what God has taught me in that moment. How often do we start off with good intentions and get distracted? Maybe you got sucked into the world’s system of fun and entertainment (gossip, drugs, alcohol, sex (outside of marriage), music that professes things opposite of what God says, etc.), maybe a trial or situation completely threw you off track in your walk with God, maybe you entertained a relationship that was not right for you, etc.  Whatever “it” is that distracted you from the path that God had for you, God is speaking the same words to you today. “You were on the right path and you got distracted. I have work for you to do. I love you!”   I know we like to blame many situations on the devil and I do agree that the devil is busy…as he is the one that presents us with the “shiny” things in life that lead to our destruction or lack of productivity.  HOWEVER, the thing that makes humans so beautiful is free will. Free will is one of the most critical aspects that put us in the image of God. That said, when WE make decisions to yield to the temptations of the world, we then ultimately we say to God “I don’t want to be in your perfect will”. And while God’s love for us is unchanging…we have to deal with the consequences of our actions. Just as I was late to my gym class because I got distracted and had to do damage control is the same way  while we are distracted with trying to repair our lives from the problems that were created by us we are missing the things that God has in store for us.

I encourage you to keep your eyes on the prize. God promised that if we seek first his kingdom and its righteousness ALL other things will be added to us (Matthew 6:33).  God is PERFECT! Don’t believe this in theory but believe this with your whole heart. Meditate on it. Ask God to strengthen your faith in him and I promise he will. I encourage you all (myself included) to keep straight! God has something great in store for you!

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” Ephesians 3:20  Imagine that! Trust God and see what happens!

With Love,



  1. Kris,

    This is the first time I've viewed the site! I really enjoyed it. I must say that your abbreviated version of your profile BLEW ME AWAY! It blessed my soul and re-kindled my fire to continue bloggin myself:-)

  2. Awesome! Glory to God and thank you for taking time to read my heart! I definitely thiank that you should get back to blogging.I think it's critical that we SHARE OUR STORY!
