Tuesday, March 27, 2012

If I could Start a Movement...

As I reflect on the many trends that have been initiated on social media over the last few years I am confronted with the harsh reality that Americans are generally more concerned with mindless entertainment than effecting any real change. It's much more desired to take part in "the questions game", "post a planking picture","post a picture in a hoodie and skittles", than it is to sign a petition, mentor some youth, demonstrate love to someone in need, etc.

The world that we live in is in need of LOVE. That may sound like a surface statement but if love for God, Others and Self is not a part of the reality of a man- hopelessness is the direct result. Once one loses hope everything else of value falls. Self Love and Hope is what allows a young lady to value her appearance by not dressing like a hooker in order to get attention from a man. This same Hope and Love allows a young man to realize that sagging is living below the standard of why he was created. This very Hope and Love demands that you step up to parent the kids that YOU created, not just financially but physically and emotionally. Hope and Love allows one to be confident and have self-esteem.

When you Truly have Hope and Love some things are not allowed in your life:
1. Living life on the surface
2. Hating other people (which is directly linked to hating self)
3. Sitting back and watching hurting people and not feeling a moral obligation to plant a seed.

If I could start a movement it would be "Spread Love". Not the Americanized, failed version of Love but the type of Love that is Life Changing. The type of Love that is for the best interested of the individual. Love that is sacrificial, Love that has integrity, Love that is Not Emotional but Driven by the Love of God. One thing is for sure, God is the professor of Love and loving self and people is simply not possible without God. How can you learn what you have not seen? The Love that is waiting for you is abundant and supercedes anything ever experienced.

I strive to do this in my personal life and interactions and I am thankful for the fruit (productivity) that has been yielded from that (Glory to God!) but WHEN I get a bigger platform, the movement that I will push is that of Hope and Love both of which comes through God. It's time for us to stop living life on the surface friends. People are dying...what are you doing?

Thank You Lord for taking My sins to The Cross, Thank You that I have Hope in You. Thank You for creating a New Heart within Me. You truly do Make all Things New. I am forever thankful for John 3:16. I hope my obedience to You reveals my heart of gratitude. Amen.

With Love,


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