Take a good look at the world around you....have you noticed that #darkness is a trendy concept in society. What do I mean??....look at music icons today (Rihanna, Kanye, Lil Wayne, Lady Gaga, etc), if that isn't enough take a look at the people around you who try so hard to appear mysterious because it's "in style". No, they don’t' all wear black everywhere and profess to be devil worshippers BUT it is a bold statement that is being made. I am currently at the library (doing some writing) and walked into the coffee shop to grab some things...I heard a song on the radio and the lyrics said "Love is full of darkness"...yea that was the hook line :-/ I am WELL aware that love is the complete opposite....Love is full of LIGHT and LIFE however, I do realize that this is a concept that is generally accepted in our society. This is evident by the amount of times you hear the phrases "Love is Pain, Love Hurts, etc", the music that reemphasizes this, media, Hollywood relationships and even relationships that we see on a daily basis. The Problem is...it's NOT TRUE! It's a lie! A myth! Whatever, it's a False representation. Love first has to be defined and then measured from the proper lens....if we have an inaccurate view of what love is then we can't truly define the characteristics of love. Right? Right. Love is not something that is relative....although we often try to make it that way. Off of that soap box because that isn't even the point of this note.
It seems to me that over the last 2 years the world has become so intrigued with darkness, mystery, spirits, etc. and to some this may not be a big deal but....it really is! One thing that I have realized in my 25 years of life.....every action causes a reaction. The phrase that I grew up hearing "You can be whatever you want to be" has taken a turn for the worse! Back then that phrase told kids to excel, soar to your highest potential and now that phrase mean (according to Lady gaga) that if you want to be a cat....be a cat, if you want to be bubbles....be bubbles, etc. Yes, I do respect the thought that we should aspire to be different, set apart (that's actually a biblical principle...be ye not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind through Christ Jesus) BUT is this fantasy world really the way we want to be "different". Rihanna use to have a sweet island girl appeal but since her transformation into darkness her popularity has soared. There seems to be some connection to this darkness....some pull that makes people want to be a part of the mystery.
What's the Point?
My point is, this is the enemies way of distracting us from the love that God wants to show us. Genuine love that is unadulterated. So many people get caught up in this false "love" and think that it's as good as it gets. Darkness seems so appealing because our flesh is sinful. That's why it's so important that we live in the spirit (God). If the devil can distract us with music, fake love, unproductive relationships, etc don't you think he will do that? And the sad thing is because we are so imperfect it's so easy for us to be distracted. Sometimes we get off course and don't even realize that or when we got off. The best advice that I can give us (me included) is to keep our eyes on God. This goes against everything that our flesh desires....we want to play in the dark...until we truly see God. Then we realize that the light is where it's at! Satan comes ONLY to steal, kill and destroy.....don't ever think that he has something good in store for you. Sometimes we fall into his trap and he is laughing at us...LAUGHING! Take this visual with me, imagine someone who you thought was your friend...ya'll hang tight! Imagine that friend telling you to do something wrong but making it sound right...or fun..or whatever and you doing it. Then when you reap the consequences of your actions the friend laughs at you. Not a laugh like "i'm laughing with you and not at you" but the "i'm laughing at you because I control you and now look at you". Isn't that a hurtful thought...that's what we fall into when we get in the bed with Satan (or the world).
How about we make #light trend? Light is found in Christ.
This is extremely random. I guess I should get back to writing what I came here to write. Facebook is so distracting sometimes! eek!
Thanks for reading. Would love to hear your thoughts!
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