Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Not Just Another Day...

Dealing with the daily task associated with living can become overwhelming and extremely frustrating.  We often fall into the mundane routine of going to work, paying bills, attending meetings, calling 500 people to “catch up”, having surface conversations with people in an effort to be socially accepted, grinding, networking, and the list goes is never ending.  It’s difficult to imagine that after all of the time invested and all of the energy expelled, one can still have an unfulfilled life.  One can feel as if their life has little significance and/or little impact. Unfortunately, many go through life never understanding the depths of God’s purpose for their lives. One thing is for sure, the highest yield of life is granted when one lives life according to the purposes for which God designed. When we operate and make decisions outside of God’s authorization it damages us because we are operating outside of the appropriated use.

Take food for example; food is good and necessary for human life. When used properly it provides us with a source of energy, allows us to grow and maintain life. When used improperly it depletes our energy, causes dysfunction in the body such as weight gain, high blood pressure, kidney failure, diabetes, cancer, stroke, and a host of other illnesses. When used for its purpose, we can see the positive manifestation in our bodies and when used improperly, we can see the negative manifestations. The same way that food manifests in our bodies physically is how the way we view life and purpose manifests in our spiritual lives (and physical circumstances).

God instructed His believers to be the light and salt of the earth (You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot- Matthew 5:13 NIV). God created you with great purpose and the capacity to develop into something greater in the future. Failure to live out your full potential is actually robbing God on his investment (your life). You see, long before 2012 God thought about you and what your role on the earth SHOULD be.

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day has passed.  Psalms 139:16

It is time for us to wake up and live! It is time for us to experience the fulfillment offered in living in our purpose (God’s purpose for all people- Love God, Love People). One of my favorite things about God is that He gives us free will- the ability to make our own decisions (It is the very thing that puts us in the likeness of Christ). Although God created us with specific roles in mind, He allows us to decide if we will do the work or not, live in His love or not, give Him the glory from our lives or not. The work WILL get done but the reward that was meant for us, because of our resistance will be forfeited.

The beautiful thing is that the grace of God IS REAL. Even when we miss the mark, He allows us another opportunity to get in line with His word and His will. Towards the end of my college career when I started to feel like I needed to take my life as a Christian much more seriously I remember praying the prayer “Lord, I want to live for you but it’s not interesting enough for me. Please increase my desire for you”. I felt bad asking my creator to make me want Him…I felt like it was a slap in the face (umm daddy help me to love you and like you O_o ). But thank God for His perfect love and grace towards His children! He answered my prayer in such a powerful way!

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Philippians 2:13

God is ecstatic about your desire to know him more intimately…he has been waiting on the moment that you would pray the prayer “Lord, increase my desire for you”. Don’t allow this to be Just Another Day. God is waiting to speak life into your spirit. He is calling you closer to Him. He wants to give you a future and a hope and He wants to be your example of perfect love and He EVEN wants to teach you how to do it (love him and love people)! God is interested in every single detail of your life. I pray that you make a decision to allow Him to transform your heart. You won’t regret it! Wake up and Live!

Prayer for Today:

Lord, thank you for your perfect love, your attention to detail, your perfect timing and your grace and mercy. We repent of any time that we have lived as if our life is about us. Our desire is to honor you with our lives. Teach us your love, your word, your will for our lives and guide us into your perfect plan. Lord there is no failure in you! We pray that any strongholds that are enslaving us to a life beneath our potential be removed and that any fear or anxious thoughts in trusting you be obsolete. Jesus your love is amazing!  Help us to know you more, show us your heart, and increase our desire for you. Take us deeper. We love you. Amen (and so be it).


  1. Lol G2G and thank for reading Richard (yes, Richard)!

  2. Ok that's pretty deep and inspirational. Thanks for sharing your heart. Dr. Kris

  3. G2G! Thanks for reading Kris, May God bless you!
