Monday, June 11, 2012

Why are YOU here??!

I have recently been overwhelmed with conversation and conviction about purpose. Humans, we get so caught in the routine of normal living, living within the standards that are predetermined by our culture and environment. We are taught from a young age to go to school, do well, network, get a good job, get married, have kids, make a lot of money, get a promotion, a nice car, get a nice house, go to dinner parties and drink wine while discussing politics and at that point, ”You have arrived”. The problem with that type of “life curriculum” is that it does not allow for you to really be in tune with discovering why God created you.

I will submit to you that the only reason that you and I still have breath in our bodies is because there is work that God has for YOU to do on this earth. YOUR life was created to push God’s agenda forward. The beauty in this is that God literally wants to give you the assignment for your life. It’s not a secret, neither is it something that you have to stress about finding. You only have to have a sincere desire to live for Him! Purpose is what you do daily, how you live your life, not a single instant that you are working towards. I’ll give you the greatest hint to determining God’s will for your life…ready? Here it is….the bible. The bible gives us the revealed will of God that applies to all of humanity. While chasing after righteousness and being transformed by the renewing of the mind through Christ Jesus…THEN will God began to unfold the purpose/ his will that is specific to you! It’s just that simple. Let me rephrase that…As we chase after righteousness, knowing that we are nothing without God but everything with God with a pure heart, is the point which God will take our lives and do more with it than we could have ever hoped. Don’t worry about changing first, don’t worry about fixing the problems in your life first, just choose God and He will do the rest.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

One thing is for sure, if you are reading this…God is calling you. What will you do with the call? Pursue his presence and He will tell you who you are, tell you why he created you and transform your life. God created your life…why try to figure out details without the wisdom in HIS knowledge.  Free will allows for you to submit to God and that same free will allows you to ignore his calling. You are at a crossroad and your decision means everything…choose wisely. That my friends, is 7 Degrees North.

Lord Jesus, help us to know you better. Give us a heart to service you, a heart to live for you. Lord download your heart in ours so that we will be concerned about the things that concern you. It’s getting real out here Lord, be our protection, drown us in your grace and help us to live unapologetically for you!

Grace and Peace,



  1. Great blog. Keep up the great work. Don't come down from the wall

  2. WOW! This is AWESOME!!! You definitely have a GIFT with your words. So simplistic, yet PROFOUND!!!

  3. Thank you for reading and thank you for your feedback! All glory to God!

  4. Thanks Kristin for this!!! Over the pass couple of weeks, I've noticed that I haven't been as "in tune" with my relationship to God like I used to four years ago. And with me noticing that I have felt empty inside. I've been trying to figure out my place in life not only as a mother and a wife but for "me". I'm working on reconnecting that relationship with God because I know my life will be truly complete. Not only am I doing it for me but for my family as well. Great post and thanks a lot for sharing that. Truly what I needed to hear! God Bless, Denise

  5. Denise! All Glory to God girl! You(and people like you) are the reason that I write! God desires to be intimate with you. He wants to share his heart with you and your family. You have made the most important step by acknowledging that true intimacy with God isn't there and having a desire to repair that relationship. I am SO excited about what God will do with you and your family as a result of your submission to Him and His will. God will take a little desire and use it to transform our lives and the lives of those around us. Please keep me posted on how God is moving in your life and thank you for sharing!

    With love,

